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Secure Cloud Storage
Share and collaborate
Quickly set up and share working sessions, to remotely work with colleagues and clients anywhere in the world.
Get everyone involved
Gather ideas and feedback from everyone, even if they don't have a licence.
Powerful admin tools
Manage your licences and users through a simple but powerful administrative portal.
Simple to install
Deploy the Windows App using
your existing IT infrastructure, or download from a link with a single click.
User Interface
Access Anywhere
Working Sessions
Any Asset
Intuitive UI​
An interface designed for everyone to use with no special training needed.
All of your content in one place
Bring your content and ideas into a single digital space to collaborate, present, and ideate.
Secure Hosting
Host your data where you want with a range of hosting options including private cloud or
on-premise hosting.
Access everywhere
CoCreate is accessible anywhere and anytime and on all scales of device.
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